Banquet Staff Professional Appearance & Dress Code


Professional Staff Appearance:

Nashville Banquet Servers & Bartenders - Details Staffing

● Expected to be clean-shaven or have neatly groomed facial hair (if applicable)

● No nose rings can be worn during a shift.

● Hair longer than shoulder length should be pulled back.

● No visible tattoos.

● Staff is expected to arrive at their job completely dressed and ready to work.

Fingernails Standards:

Fingernail Standards

Due to the nature of the job and the high professional expectations these are our fingernail standards:

● Nails must be clean, trimmed, and well-manicured.

● Nail edges and surfaces must be cleanable and smooth, not rough.

● Nails must be moderate in length (no longer than 1 ⁄ 4 (.25) inches), natural looking, and neatly shaped at all times.

● Nail polish colors must be conservative, neutral, and natural tones without any chips or peeling. Unnatural colored nail polish is not allowed (blues, black, purple, etc.)


All of the following items should be clean and pressed:

● Full length solid black slacks - no jean material, no ‘skinny’ fit

● Solid black, button down dress shirt

● Solid black necktie

● Solid black polishable shoes

● Solid black crew height socks

● Solid black button up vest

● Solid black belt

Pictured below are examples of proper Banquet Server uniform apparel: